Friday, May 21, 2010


So songstress Sia has a new record coming out called "We Are Born" and what she's done is compiled 6 of the 13 songs off the record and turned them into youtube videos...there's only two actual music videos but their fucking catchy as shit. Props to the wifey for giving me the link. She's got some more shit on her face also.

"so i made my new albarooniooski, it's called WE ARE BORN and turned into a kind of disco album, if i may be so bold.

i went in to kingsize studios in eagle rock, los angeles, fell in love with the taco truck ladies opposite, took the dogs to work everyday, had my intern clean up their poop (me), had my intern fix me iced coffees (me), had my intern sing most of the record (me), and i'm pretty pleased with the results.

greg kurstin produced WE ARE BORN and i love him. i loved him when we wrote a million songs for a never released pop album 5 years ago, and when we wrote death by chocolate for my last record, but now i love him more. we stole some songs from formerly mentioned pop record for this one, as apparently i am finally allowed to make an uptempo record, and am no longer confined to being 'a downtempo songstress'. he also has a brand new baby which makes me love him further.

appearing on this record are old trusties samuel dixon on bass (king of the fart people/dog energy worker), felix bloxsom on the drums (queen of all hairdressing/massage therapist to the stars), oliver krause on strings (prince of cocktails and canapes/distributor of warm fuzzies) and greg kurstin on piano and bloops and blopsounds (lord of bloop and blops/the anti tyrant) and more more friends. a new and spectacular addition to this album is nick valensi of THE STROKES fame on guitar (princess of the dance/poet to the childrens).

Nick has been my guitar hero for a while and i was thrilled when he agreed to be a part of my new thang. it's so obviously him on the record and he donated a bazillion great new hooks and lines, which is exactly why i sought him out in the first place, so, i'm stroked. i mean stoked. (somebody kill me, that was terrible.)

looks like it'll be a 13 track record and i'm so gay about it all right now."




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