Let me start this off by saying the individual in this interview is a friend of mine and it's because of his hard work and amazing desire that I've asked him to sit down and answer some questions for me. I'd like to introduce to you Morgan Willenbring BKA Ganzobean on the first installment of "Musicians On Music."

*MW=Morgan Willenbring AKA Ganzo Bean.
*NT=No Team In I
NT-Who are you?
MW-I've been asking myself that for years. I think you're looking for Ganzobean.NT-I'm interested in you and your taste in music.
MW-This is hard.
NT-So...Who Are You?
MW-My name is Ganzobean and I'm 25yrs old. I was born and raised in Saint Paul, MN. I currently live in Las Vegas, NV and DJ/Produce full time for Sab or Musab from Rhymesayers/Hiero-Imperium.
NT-Who were some of your inspirations in your early years?
MW-Prince Paul, Dan The Automator, Ant and DJ Shadow were my number ones in terms of producers. Paul and Automator were a huge influence. They do things with samples that I could only dream about at night......
MW-Ant has probably the best drums I've ever heard. I dare you to find someone with a better Snare collection.
NT-The thing I notice about all those producers is they're not your "typical" beat makers, in a sense.
MW-Right, they make songs with their "beats."
NT-Right, and also, if you take a look at their work it's incredibly extensive and stretched far past what you call "typical rap" wouldn't you say?
MW-Right, they've all done multiple upon multiple projects with all sorts of people.
NT-What about RJD2?
MW-I like and respect him, but I don't know if I can call him an influence. I just never wanted to be him...
NT-Who do you think is the one producer changing the game like he sees fit? The way he wants it? Like a Danger Mouse or Dan The Automator?
MW-I'm gonna have to say me. Sorry, but I can't think of anyone who is gonna change the game like Sab and myself.
NT-Why do you say that?
MW-Isn't that honestly how anyone in the music business, and just business in general, has to be if you genuinely care about your craft or art? To quote Sab "If you aint tryin to make it. Get the fuck out the way!"
NT- In your mind is there any one record that is absolutely perfect or damn near close?
MW-There are two that pop into my head right away...Midnight Marauders & The Soul Position EP. Non hip hop, the list is waayyyy too long.
NT-Is there anything about those album that you know they just "got it right"
MW-The flow. You can listen to them from front to back every time.
NT-Any chance we could hear Blueprint over a Ganzobean beat?
MW-I don't see why not. He'd sound good. I like Blueprint. He's actually a fav of mine for sure.
NT-Besides those two records, do you have any "desert island" records to share?
MW-Well, a couple others for sure. The Chronic, 36 Chambers, The Great Adventures of Slick Rick to name a few. I'd also have to put all 3 Carters (Lil Wayne) and Drake's EP on that list.
NT-What equipment are you working with in the studio?
MW-iMac, DIGI 003 Rack, Pro Tool 8 factory, Yamaha HS50 Monitors, Akai MPD 24 and an M-Audio KeyRig 25. Then 2 Technic 1200MK5 turntables with a Vestax PMC-05 Mixer is my DJ set up. Mics are AT3035 and a Blue Bird.
NT-Sounds dope. How have people responded to the music Sab and yourself have been making?
MW-They've responded phenomenally!!! It's the exact response we wanted and we're planning for.
NT-Are there any surprises or a record in the works right now?
MW-Yes, we definitely have some projects coming up. The new EP, which will be out in early June. His new LP "HGH" sometime late this year. I'm doing a new project with Sab and Abstract Rude, release date TBA. Keep an eye out for that one. Like whoa! Then Sab and I have a secret project. I'm not sure how much I can say. I may have already said too much. Two words: Minnesota Legends. I'll leave the rest up to you.
NT-Whoa, Abstract Rude? That's got to be crazy thinking about that?
MW-It's an honor. He's one of the few that I was a little awe struck. I was back in MN getting ready to move out to Vegas and Sab hit me up. He was like: I've been talkin to Rude and him and I are gonna do an EP and I want to use all your beats and have you produce it. I was like alright, cool, lets go. Deep down inside I was like. FUCKING RUDE! FUCKING ABSTRACT FUCKING RUDE! BOOSH!. I listened to him growing up soooo much. High School consisted of good hip hop and Abstract Rude. I've gotten past the whole aww thing and am just pumping out 4-5 beats a day. I'm ready to make history with Sab and Rude. We are going to KILL this EP.
NT-What about the fans?
MW-I'm loving the fans and I will never stop loving fans. "Love it! So poetic. Really like your signature sound.... Can groove to the beat." - Comment about the new leak. The fans fucking rule!
NT-That's fucking awesome!
MW-I would agree. Thanks dude.
NT-Have you guys been getting good press at all?
MW-We've been getting great press and tons of it. Just today they played "Be, Anything" on the Current in the Twin Cities, Sunbeam (Produced by: Nima Fadavi of Hiero-Imperium) has been getting played all up and down the west coast. A bunch of music blogs have been posting the Leak series and the leak videos are getting daily hits.
NT-What's the perfect crowd to you?
MW-In the end it doesn't really matter the size of the crowd, but the energy. As long as everybody is feeling it and moving or dancing, then I'm happy. I don't mind selling out a show either. That's always a good feeling. I love my fans, as I should. haha.
NT-Last question...when you guys hit the venue, what drink is getting ordered first and for who?
MW-Scotch. Probably Dewars, for Mr. Sabbi Sab. But I'm usually right behind him getting a PBR or Tecate. Although these days it's been Jameson and water...Thee Irish in me is alive and well.
NT-Anything else to add for the readers? Any shout outs?
MW-Shout out Sab, Sandy, RSE, Hiero, Moms, Pops and the homie Orikal. and "I can see you thru my shades/I'm a wear mine if it's night or day" and "If we can make it here/We can make it anywhere"
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